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Weight Management

Weight Management

We are here to support and help when choosing the correct diet for your pet and achieving and maintaining optimal body condition. Our staff are trained to provide a comprehensive nutritional assessment of your pet and can discuss the pros and cons of various diet options. 

Obesity in our pet population is huge. It is estimated that 1/3 of our cats and dogs in the UK are overweight. Overweight animals may suffer from decreased life span, orthopedic problems, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart conditions, liver disease, and respiratory disease. Obese pets will also struggle with joint pain. 

A Weightloss Success Story

Lucy was rescued in April 2024 and weighed 32kg, she now weighs just under 22kg and has another couple of kg to go.  She has lost a little over 10kg so far with our guidance.

Body Scoring

We will teach you how to do this correctly (we do not use breed standard weights as every dog is different) 

Weight Gain

Is your dog too underweight? Pop in and we can adjust their diet to suit

Weight Loss

We have a very successful weight loss program, and your dog’s weight is recorded every week 


Is your puppy putting on the correct amount of weight each week? Regular weigh-ins are very important! 

There are many reasons why pets may become overweight including:
  • Inadequate exercise
  • Incorrect portion amount (not weighing food)
  • Giving treats without reducing meal amount
  • Lack of exercise due to health (cut paw, joint injury, post-operation)

Remember! Adjust your dog feeds to suit their daily activities;

Longer walk than usual – increase food slightly for that day

Shorter walk then usual – decrease food slightly for that day

If you are concerned about your pet’s weight or would like assistance choosing or changing their diet, see us today!

Contact us

Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm

Saturday: 11am – 3pm

Sunday: 11am – 3pm